Welcome to the MINDtalk blog.
What I wish to convey through this blog is to share with you, the reader, the insights I have learned through coaching corporate and entrepreneurial clients since 2000. My wish is that you will walk away with a bit of knowledge on coaching and communication that will add onto your current skill-set.
Although, I might be very familiar with the subject matter of coaching and communication there is always something to be learned, always some insight that builds onto my knowledge base and always a new approach to helping the client to solve a problem or answer a question. I call it the WOW factor.
Whenever I feel the WOW factor I write it down in my ever-present moleskin. It is exactly like when you read a sentence or passage in a book that raises a flag of interest in your mind and you highlight it with a pen or highlighter. It allows you to easily find your insight in the future when you flip through the pages of the book. Thus, it is my ever growing collection of WOW factors that will be the subject of my posts.
I look forward to posting my WOWs on coaching and communication and hope you will walk away with some tidbit of knowledge that will, in one form or another, help you.
ODessa review: Sadie Sink sings in bonkers queer rock musical
for 4 timer siden