17. oktober 2009

Twitter & Coaching - Part II

Twitter is simply a brilliant tool.  It allows me to connect in real-time with the community that I'm tapped into.  As of this moment, I'm directly connected to 309 people who contribute with tweets that I find absorbing and relevant to my interests.

One of my goals was to build a community of Tweeters that had similar interests to me (some of those interests I stated in my previous post).  I've kept to this decision from day-one.  Perhaps if I was not so choosy I might have had double the amount of followers as I do today, but that would have meant I accepted everybody.

Unfortunately, Twitter is no different from the rest of the internet.  It, too, is filled with a lot of useless static and distractions.  I felt if I wanted Twitter to be interesting, fun and practical I needed to be selective.  Like most things I've found in life, quality of community takes time to build.  You need to invest time and contribute effort to get a decent ROI.

This is a great site to learn more about the 'hows' of Twitter and tweeting. http://www.ehow.com/how_4670029_tweet-twitter.html

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