Stress is completely an internal phenomenon. As far and wide a person
wishes to search the external world, he will never find stress. He
will able to find stressors, the triggers of stress. This he can do
with out expending too much effort, but he'll never find stress.
The important question is how to deal with this slow-killer? The
strategies I write about here are not quick fixes. They are common
sense that requires a person to take responsibility and action.
The first it to take care of the machine and the machine will take
care of you. The answer is not rocket science. Train well. Eat well.
Live well.
Stress triggers the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline.
Long after the stress situation may have disappaited, the adrenaline
hasn't. It's still swimming around in the blood stream straining and
wearing internal systems.
Working up a good sweat and oxyginating the body is the best way to
rid yourself of stress hormones. I personally find running 7 to 8
clicks, 3 to 4-times a week does my body and brain good.
Running might not be your thing. If you want to deal with your stress,
I highly recommend finding your 'thing' and do it. Love what you do
and it'll pay off big time.
The next thing is what you ingest nutirition-wise. Fresh vegetables
and fruit. Fish and cereals. Red wine and dark choclates. It's really
quite straight forward. Calories in and calories burned. Simply put,
it's about the numbers.
Ok. I agree this may be a little too black and white. But to be quite
frank, there is not a lot of gray between the two.
The next strategy is to catch enough Zs. Sleep is so important. This
is a chance for mind and body to download and recharge.
How well does your cell or Mac work if it is not charged? The same
logic can be applied to your bio-machine. The body only needs three
hours, but the mind needs between 7 to 8 to be fully functional.
Again, it's all about mathematics.
In the next post, I will continue with the next two strategies, which
require a little more work. The first is your self-talk. The second is
how you personally define what is important.
Jason W Birkevold Liem
phone: (+47) 957 66 460
2 kommentarer:
Thank you for your advice. I find, not as a professional, that stress can be relieved by focusing on something unstressful that occupies the mind and gives pleasure. We have many customers who collect Native American fetish carvings (see and find interacting with th4m to be soothing and relaxing. Perhaps worth a thought.
I love the comparison of the mac and to our body. I agree, we should also give our body a break and letting it work all the time. We should take care of it because without it, we will not be able to work.
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